American Thanksgiving and What it Means for the Rangers

76.7% of teams in a playoff position on American Thanksgiving have ended up in the playoffs.

American Thanksgiving and What it Means for the Rangers
Pictured: Suitable replacements for Blake Wheeler
Happy American Thanksgiving!

As hockey fans, we're well acquainted with all the nuance packed within this phrase. Yes, it is a greeting from Canadians to Americans on the third Thursday in November, but it is also a milestone within the NHL season. Historically, the playoff teams at American Thanksgiving have held up through to the playoffs.

Not including the COVID years (2019 - 2021), 76.7% of teams in a playoff position on American Thanksgiving have ended up in the playoffs some 5 months later. 184/240 teams since 2005-2006.

The Eastern Conference Wild Card standings as of 11/24/23
Not pictured: Teams that are complete dog shit.

Let's figure out what this means for the Rangers.