The Inevitability of Tom Wilson and Patrick Kane, Ranger Things Fantasy Draft

We spend some time discussing the salary cap news, Derek Stepan's retirement and give our final thought on the current roster. We then hold our first annual Ranger Things Fantasy Draft.

4 grown men playing make-believe with action figures, Cinematic, by Wes Anderson
You DO NOT want to be last place in the "suburban dad action figure fantasy league". I hear you need to eat a pepper.

This is the last episode before the regular season officially begins, and we spend some time discussing the salary cap news, Derek Stepan's retirement (and just how good the Caps were) and give our final thought on the current roster. Yes, Patrick Kane will be a Ranger.

We then hold our first annual Ranger Things Fantasy Draft, in which the three of us, and Super Fan John pick a handful of NY Rangers to compete against each other in a Rotisserie league. It's an eye opening exercise.

Afterwards, we play a pretty hot game of FMK-Befrend with former Rangers head coaches.